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Fama offers free LED screen programming…with specifics.

To ensure ease of dealing with the LED screen screens, you can resort to an HD program, which is a remote control program (HUIDU LED CONTROL CARD) We offer you from FAMA Link the special download of the program:

One of the advantages of this program is the control of several devices at the same time (Cluster Management), which means that all controllers in the same LAN can be managed by one of the devices used at the same time. The HD2016 supports many features such as renaming, deleting, or creating a screen, adding a program, or closing the screen.

You can download the Power LED program through the previous link, knowing that by using this program, you will be able to amend the message displayed on your LED screens, whether they are internal LED screens or external LED screens.

It is worth noting that each LED text screen has its electronic circuit, and we mean here that there are different modules of LED screens and therefore there are many cards supported by these modules – but there is one way to write and add pictures and effects to control the speed and appearance of the advertisement, so you can program and coordinate using one program, except that each type of circuit determines the program used in programming and there are two types of programs:

  • Power LED program
  • HD program

As for how to write and format on the LED screen screens, you can follow the following instructions:

1 / You download the program that you will use via the previous link.

2 / We open the program on the computer for the program interface to appear, through which we will write, program, and format the text.

From the list above we select the writing language.

3 / We define through the program the height and width of the screen from the toolbar, then press the PANEL SETUP, and this is because each electronic screen has a width and height size according to the number of tiles connected.

4 / We are asked to type the password, enter the password, which is three numbers 168, and then press Enter.

5 / We will see a set of options for the screen that we will deal with so that we can write after that.

6 / We specify the screen color (R – RG – RGB).

7 / We define the screen resolution from the scan pattern.

8 / We press Set Up the board to save our options that have been selected, so all that has been selected will appear for confirmation.

9 / Then we press Close. The first interface that we saw when opening the program appears with a blank black rectangle, which is where we will write the text.

10 / Click on the word Text from the top, you can now write the content you want, then you can split the screen into text on the top and text at the bottom.

11 / Now format the content in terms of speed of movement and flash from the toolbar under the black rectangle, and you can also add a clock, date, and temperature measurement from the list above.

12 / Then you take the last step, which is to save the advertisement.

13 / After completing the programming and formatting of the advertisement, you save it on a USB disk and connect it to the screen.

To get the best types of LED screen advertising screens, you can visit us at FAMA, a company specializing in the manufacture, supply, installation, and operation of display screens, in addition to designing and maintaining its advertisements, programs, and programs, with us you will get the finest screen materials approved globally with quality and manufacturing certificates.