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Best cinema screens up to 30% off


LED screens are also known as advertising screens and “LED screens for halls” due to the widespread use of the panels in open halls that are utilized for events such as weddings, conferences, and meeting rooms.

Electronic billboards are a form of outdoor advertising that is displayed on outdoor advertising displays. This is the most recent strategy for use in commercial displays conducted worldwide. Your message will be communicated more effectively and efficiently through the use of Fama outdoor advertising screens, which also consume less electricity.

Screens used for outdoor advertising can be quite small or rather huge, measuring more than two meters in length or height.

There are a few different versions of outdoor LED screens available, including Ph6, Ph8, and Ph10.

Following the letter p are a series of digits that indicate the distance between the LED bulbs on the screen. When you go further away from the screen, the resolution and overall quality of the image will degrade.

How to safeguard LED screens that are mounted outside!

The most susceptible to damage are outdoor LED screens since they are constantly subjected to the elements, including wind, dust, and even precipitation. The best strategies for preserving the LED screen’s functionality, quality, and appearance in its outdoor environment are detailed in the following paragraphs.

The Fama Company has been in the display screen business for more than ten years. The screen materials that Fama Company offers are of the best possible quality, and they come with quality and production certificates. Fama Company not only produces, supplies, installs, and operates display screens, but it also creates advertisements, programs, and maintenance.

Make advantage of these suggestions to ensure the safety of your external screen:

It is important to keep damp substances away from the components of the LED screen in order to prevent corrosion and damage to the screen.

Regularly cleaning the exterior screen will prevent dust from building up on it, which will improve both the user’s visibility and the functionality of the screen’s electrical circuit.

– To keep the voltage stable, you should refrain from utilizing the external LED screen when there is significant thunder and lightning.

– Prevent any moisture from getting behind the exterior LED screen. In the event that it does occur, turn off the power and make sure the screen is completely dry before starting over.

Follow the order of the switches. First, power on the control computer; secondly, switch on the LED display located outside; finally, switch it off; finally, switch it back on.

Perform routine checks and maintenance on the LED screen that is located outside.

Place the primary control computer for the outdoor LED screen in an area that has air conditioning to ensure the best possible airflow.

– Please get in touch with us as soon as possible for rapid repair of the exterior LED screen, or call the technician. If you do not have prior experience, you should not touch the wiring on the inside.


When moving or hauling external LED screens, ensure that you follow these measures in order to avoid accidently damaging them:

Because the LED screen’s screen surface is the most delicate component, you should take care to transport it with a metal object without subjecting it to substantial vibration or stress.

Do not let the screen fall from a great height.

It is important to refrain from bending or tugging the cables of the external LED screen.

Scrub the screen using its one-of-a-kind components so that its transparency and cleanliness are not compromised. Inquire about these goods with your organization’s installation professional.

Because LED screens are made up of very precise electronic components, transporting them requires very particular care. Therefore, exercise caution, and carry them horizontally whenever it is possible to do so.

Fama, the most successful advertising screen company in Egypt, is able to supply additional information regarding outdoor LED screens.