
This technology is considered one of the best and latest global technologies. The name is because it is made of LED material, and it uses LED lights to light and operates

How to install display screens?

Before knowing how to install displays, you must first understand what the components of display screens are, how to operate them, and methods of assembling them, so in this article, we will answer all questions related to displays for 2021.

Display components

Display screens contain many LED panels and are called “Module” cells, which are the same panels used in LED lights, known as “pixel”. They are distributed inside the LED screens evenly and with the same accuracy, which makes them provide the best possible quality in displaying content and give the best and best colors. Possible viewing angle.

The term LED refers to “Light Emitting Diode”, which means a light-emitting diode, and an electric current passes through this LED, to provide the best possible quality, and this is what distinguishes LED screens from previous generations of screens, and therefore they are used in display screens, cell phone screens and screens Computer.

One of the important advantages provided by the display screens is energy saving, as it is less energy consumption than previous generations of screens while maintaining the best possible quality, and works with high efficiency, and therefore it is the most widespread and most used, especially in the means of advertising as it provides special content You have the best possible quality as it works to attract the target customers to serve you through its glow, brightness of colors and unique quality.

How to operate the displays?

The display screens depend in their work on the passage of electrical current passing through them because they contain light-emitting diode LEDs, and these valves are composed of an elevator and a cathode, and the two are “anode-cathode”, both of which are separated at two different ends from each other, and with the electrical current connected, then The atoms are excited rapidly from the elevator, as it is the highest in energy, and they go to the cathode and it is the lowest in energy. Thus, the crystal fusion occurs in one direction and the electricity is connected to it as a whole in the form of a photon, and thus one of the light rays that has a specific frequency and accordingly has a wavelength as well as A specific color is emitted by the LED, which explains the versatility of LEDs.

How to choose the right place to install the display screens?

The location of the display screen installation is one of the most important factors that affect the success of your advertising campaign because it determines the extent to which your content reaches the target audience, determines the quality and clarity of the advertising display screens, and also determines the appropriate screen size and cost as well, and is considered one of the most important factors that determine the prices of LED screen screens It is choosing the right place to install it, so at FAMA we offer you the best ways to help you choose the appropriate specifications to serve you and the most appropriate place to install LED  screens, and which determines the prices of the LED screens is the size in the first place, as the larger the screen size also the cost increases The process of installing LED tiles requires compact LED tiles to form a screen of the required size, and the more LED tiles the cost increases, and as we mentioned there is a proportion and proportion between the location of the screen, its size and its cost as well.

Choose the appropriate category of display screens

There are many categories of outdoor LED screens, including many different models, including (Ph6, ph8, ph10)

The numbers that come after the letter p indicate the distance between the LED bulbs in the screen, and it is worth noting that the greater the distance, the lower the screen resolution, and this also affects the resolution of the image, but in FAMA Company, our company has the experience to overcome this matter and provide LED screens. screens” in the best possible quality and high resolution.

to make it easier for you, at FAMA Display Company, we provide a consulting and guidance service to make it easier for customers to choose the best possible screens that suit their advertising content and also suit the specific location for installing the screen, and help them choose the most appropriate screen at the cost specified by customers, thus getting the best screens LED screen with the best size and the best price.

At FAMA, we offer unbeatable commercial prices while providing the best solutions to help you start a successful and distinctive advertising campaign.

Methods for assembling display screens

The old LED display adopts the usual lock, where the tiles are installed in the customized case, then the barriers fixing the tiles are installed in the housing, then the connections and cables are installed.

The operation is easy as the data cables that connect the boxes are installed so that they do not separate and remain part of the display that does not separate, then the electrical cables that connect the board are connected to all parts, and all connections are connected to the power source.

The advertising program depends on the Power LED program, which displays ads on this screen, then all cables are connected to the projector or computer so that you see the advertisement privately.

The technologies and prices of the LED display also change, depending on many factors, knowing that most of the raw materials are imported, the global economic variables in addition to the local factors related to the dollar prices will become one of the most important factors in determining their prices since the accuracy and quality of LED screens will affect The price difference, many important factors must be taken into account before ordering the purchase of LED screens, and it is worth noting that most of the spare parts for these screens are available to us at FAMA, where you can call for a mixture of information at any time. And more inefficiency, easy to use and install.

Display installation

Display screens are electronic panels used for advertising and this type of screen is the latest modern display methods that are used commercially in the world and the advantages of FAMA display screens are that they are more efficient and effective in communicating your advertisement to the public with a high rationalization of electrical energy.

The installation of advertising screens is not difficult, especially the outdoor LED screens from FAMA, as the display screens work with a technology called “diode”. Diode technology has appeared recently as a newer alternative to the transistor that is used in televisions. This technology is considered one of the best and latest global technologies. The name is because it is made of LED material, and it uses LED lights to light and operates it, which has a very high light power despite its very little energy consumption.

You can contact us now if you have any question