
شاشات الليد العملاقة من شركة فاما

The types of LED screens

LED screens are considered one of the latest technology in advertising and they are electronic panels used in advertising this type of modern entertainment is used commercially in the streets. The outdoor advertising screens are illuminated, but at the end are the LED screens.

LED screen collections!

Screens exceeding 2 meters in size, whether in length or height this type of screen is found in streets, apartments, bridges, as well as in entertainment places, stadiums, or clubs.

LED screen uses

LED screens are in a distinct and unique position for a promotional offer, promotional advertisement, or promotion.

2 / Provide information: where you can use the LED screens to display information in many different fields, whether it is sports – or commercial offices – or advertising information about your service. Presenting a recorded presentation of documentaries about an event or service.

3 / Public events: The giant LED screens are also used in weddings and public events for their distinction, efficiency, and quality.

4 / Transferring matches: LED screens are used to transmit and display matches, sporting events, trade exchange events, and punishment issued by tourism and finding tourism and vice versa. The reason is always the first in sports halls in the stadium or public places.

5 / Dramatic shows: LED screens are used for performing analog shows in theaters, as many use them in showing series or movies because of their efficiency and the quality of their brightness.

Types of LED screens

There are many types of LED screens and are used in many public and private places, and the LED screens are divided into two parts, internal LED screens, and external LED screens, and both types are characterized by many advantages and there is no difference between them in the quality of the display and the efficiency The difference between the external screens and the internal screens is the place of installation, the screens The interior is installed inside the places, while the external screens are placed in the outdoor places, both of them have the same features with different screen sizes.

As for the types of display screens from FAMA, both of the following are available:

Video display screens: This type of display screen is used to broadcast events more clearly, such as advertising videos and documentaries, as well as to broadcast matches and global events. You can also display the content in the form of a text display, through which the advertisement appears in the form of animated text and this method is usually used in restaurants. Or malls and also on screens displaying results in matches and in shops and banks to be used in presenting offers in text form, and the business owner easily program what he wants to write on it.

Touch screens: transparent display screens are like the screens of modern telephones such as Android touch screen screens. This type of display is made of a transparent glass-like material is considered one of the most recent screens used in advertising, as it works through the USB.

Among its advantages is its ease of use. When it is turned on, the advertising content is displayed automatically with clarity and quality, and the content disappears when closed. This type of LED screen is created to preserve the beauty of the surrounding decoration.

Wall screens: This is one of the most distinctive types of LED screens, as they are manufactured to match the décor of the place in which it will be used.

Transparent display screens: It is one of the finest types of display screens, as it can display the writing and images on it when turned on, but it disappears immediately when closed to show its decoration with ease.