
شاشات الليد من شركة فاما

LED screens perform better than LCD screens!

LED screens have become one of the most popular types of screens in recent years due to their use in many fields, particularly advertising, and they are one of the most recent modern display methods that are used commercially around the world because they are the best in size, shape, quality, and cost.

LED screen elements?

The term LED stands for (Light Emitting Diode), which means a light-emitting diode that works when an electric current passes through it. This technology was first used in 1996, but it was only available in red light, but with time and in the current era, LED lamps are available in all different colors, with higher brightness, quality, and efficiency.

It is currently used in many electrical devices, especially phones, television screens, watches, and many other devices.

One of the things that make it more commercial use is the rationalization of energy consumption to the least possible extent, with its effectiveness and high efficiency, and therefore it is the most used in various advertisements wonderfully and distinctively.

The difference between LED screens and LCD screens

Among the top 10 important questions that many people ask FAMA customer service personnel about LED screens, is what is the difference between LED screens and LCD screens, for this reason, we will explain the difference between the two as follows:

First: LCD screens

The word LCD is an abbreviation for the term “liquid crystal display” and it indicates that it is a group of liquid crystal displays that have several advantages, and one of its most important advantages is the strength and clarity of colors, especially if it comes in white, in addition to that it is characterized by low energy consumption while providing strong brightness.

LCD screens are the main form from which LED screens branch, and this is because they both share one technology, and this technology depends on many different layers of glass that attract the crystalline liquid, and certainly, it is the one that in turn allows light to pass through quickly.

In addition to the fact that LED screens are better on several points, there are many faults in LCD screens, including:

Lack of depth or clarity of black in it.

  • Its lighting leaks.
  • Weaker than LED screens in response time.
  • In addition to its lifespan, it is less than that of the LED screens.

It may be somewhat less than LED screens, so LED screens are the best, especially in low light, also best in cell phones and computer screens.


Second: LED screens …

LED LED screens are the best and most advanced types of modern screens and LED screens to differ in several points, including:

  • Its reliance mainly on LED technology, which makes LED screens the best and most ideal in saving electrical energy and reducing the energy consumer’s cost.
  • LED screens are the best in terms of light intensity, clarity of vision, and multi-angle thanks to the technology with light-emitting diodes, that can be found throughout the LED screens.
  • Technology has made LED screens somewhat thinner than LCDs for a higher distribution of energy use.
  • LED screens range in response speed from 1ms to 5ms due to their less responsive competition.
  • You can program the LED screens remotely, through the Power LED program or other programs that enable you to fully control the LED screens.
  • LED screens vary in size, as there are screens of regular sizes and there are screens of gigantic sizes.


The difference between indoor and outdoor LED display

The difference between the external screens and the indoor screens is the place of installation, the indoor screens are installed inside the places, and the degree of brightness of the screen differs and the resistance to natural factors such as water and dust, in addition to the viewing distance in the indoor screens display the content in a few and short areas.

Brightness levels differ in indoor and outdoor LED screens, and this applies to several criteria, according to the purpose of using each type of indoor or outdoor LED screens, as in indoor LED screens, they are not required to have high or large brightness levels as they only need a range of display Thus, its brightness is usually around 1600 / cd m2 for LED screens in turn, while outdoor LED screens need to double that.

The ability of indoor and outdoor LED screens to resist water may also differ, as indoor LED screens are not very waterproof, because they are not naturally exposed to water, but outdoor LED screens differ from them at this stage, to rain, wind, etc., so the cables must The outdoor LED screens are waterproof and highly waterproof.

The viewing distance also differs in indoor and outdoor LED screens, as the indoor screens display content over limited space and short distances, and different models are used with a resolution ranging from “1.5P-1.75P-2P-2.5P-3P-4P” to cover nearly 100 square meters While outdoor LED screens cover greater distances, model resolutions ranging from 8P to 20 should be chosen.

LED screens are the best types of display screens, as they are the lowest in cost, more efficient, and easy to use and install.

Both types of FAMA LED screens share many advantages:

– Their superior ability to continuously update according to the consumer’s desire.

– Possessing the highest brightness levels as it provides the strongest live and distinct photos and videos.

– Resistance to all-natural and weather factors, which provides you with the largest lifespan for screens.

– Adapt to all the various lighting in the places where it is displayed.

– More interactive and widespread through the LED screen screens, able to display information and data that are constantly updated, such as updates linked to schedules

– Faster to spread and easy to update.

You can contact us now … to obtain the appropriate LED display screens for your service, enjoy periodic maintenance, and obtain a two-year warranty, with a detailed explanation of programming and how to deal with display screens, with FAMA, you will ensure that your service is offered to all your target customers in the fastest time and at the lowest cost and the latest technology.